16 Somvar Vrat: A Complete Holistic Guide

The 16 Somvar Vrat, a profound Hindu fasting ritual, spans 16 consecutive Mondays and is devoted to Lord Shiva. This sacred observance is revered for its potential to bring about health, prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment. Those who undertake this vrat often find themselves enveloped in a deep sense of devotion and tranquility, and many testify to the fulfillment of their heartfelt desires through this sacred practice.

The Essense of 16 Somvar Vrat

Observing the 16 Somvar Vrat is a journey of spiritual dedication. It is believed that Lord Shiva, the embodiment of cosmic consciousness and benevolence, showers his divine blessings upon those who observe this vrat with true sincerity. Hindu scriptures and ancient texts highlight that this vrat not only helps in overcoming life’s obstacles but also in attaining one’s deepest aspirations and achieving a state of holistic well-being.

Sacred Slokas and Their Spiritual Significance

Several Sanskrit slokas (verses) from Hindu scriptures highlight the importance of worshipping Lord Shiva and observing fasts like the 16 Somvar Vrat. Here are a few significant slokas:

  1. Sloka from the Shiva Purana:

    “सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके। शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते॥”

    This sloka praises Goddess Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva, highlighting the auspiciousness and the divine blessings of the divine couple.
  2. Sloka from the Rudrashtakam:

    “नमामीशमीशान निर्वाणरूपं विभुं व्यापकं ब्रह्मवेदस्वरूपम्।”

    This verse from the Rudrashtakam pays homage to Lord Shiva, acknowledging his infinite, all-pervading, and ultimate nature.

How to Observe the 16 Somvar Vrat


  1. Choosing the Start Date:
  • The vrat can be started on any Monday of the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of the moon). However, the most auspicious time to begin is during the month of Shravan (July-August), which is dedicated to Lord Shiva.
  1. Mental and Physical Preparation:
  • Devotees should purify their body and mind by taking a bath early in the morning and wearing clean, preferably white, clothes. A calm and composed state of mind is essential for observing the vrat.

Rituals on Fasting Day

  1. Morning Rituals:
  • Wake up early, take a bath, and wear clean clothes.
  • Clean the prayer area and create a small altar with a Shiva Lingam or a picture of Lord Shiva.
  • Offer fresh flowers, Bilva (Bel) leaves, milk, yogurt, honey, ghee, and water to the Shiva Lingam.
  1. Sankalp (Resolution):
  • Take a sankalp (vow) with water in hand, stating the intention to observe the 16 Somvar Vrat for the fulfillment of your wishes and the blessings of Lord Shiva.
  1. Chanting and Prayers:
  • Recite the Shiva Chalisa, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, and other Shiva slokas throughout the day.
  • The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is especially significant:

    “ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्। उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात्॥”
  1. Fasting:
  • Traditionally, devotees observe a strict fast, consuming only water. However, some may choose to have fruits and milk if a complete fast is not possible.
  • Refrain from consuming grains, salt, and other cooked foods.
  1. Evening Rituals:
  • In the evening, visit a Shiva temple or continue the prayers at home.
  • Light a lamp and offer incense, followed by performing aarti (a devotional ritual using a lit lamp).

Breaking the Fast

  1. Breaking the Fast:
  • The fast is usually broken after sunset, following the evening prayers. A light, sattvic (pure and simple) meal is consumed.
  • Some devotees may also choose to observe the fast until the next morning.
  1. Charity and Offerings:
  • It is considered auspicious to donate food, clothes, or money to the needy after breaking the fast.

Benefits of 16 Somvar Vrat

  1. Spiritual Benefits:
  • Enhances spiritual growth and deepens the connection with Lord Shiva.
  • Promotes inner peace, mental clarity, and spiritual fulfillment.
  1. Health Benefits:
  • Fasting detoxifies the body and can improve overall health.
  • Regular fasting can lead to better self-discipline and control over desires.
  1. Material Benefits:
  • Believed to remove obstacles and bring prosperity.
  • Helps in fulfilling personal desires and achieving goals.

Mythological References

Legend of Queen Mainaavati

According to legend, Queen Mainaavati, the mother of Goddess Parvati, observed the 16 Somvar Vrat with great devotion. She prayed for a suitable husband for her daughter, Parvati. Lord Shiva was pleased with her devotion and granted her wish, resulting in the divine union of Shiva and Parvati.

Reference in Shiva Purana

The Shiva Purana also mentions the significance of observing fasts dedicated to Lord Shiva. It states that those who observe the 16 Somvar Vrat with devotion and sincerity are blessed with happiness, prosperity, and the fulfillment of their desires.

Table for practise

Here’s a detailed table outlining the 16 Somvar Vrat observance over 16 Mondays:

WeekDateActivities and RitualsSpecial OfferingsNotes
1[Date]– Early morning bath
– Altar setup
– Sankalp (vow)
Fresh flowers, Bilva leaves, milkBegin with devotion and clarity of purpose
2[Date]– Recite Shiva Chalisa
– Offer prayers
– Strict fast
Honey, yogurt, gheeStay hydrated with water
3[Date]– Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra chanting
– Evening aarti
Incense, light lampFocus on mental clarity and peace
4[Date]– Morning and evening prayers
– Visit Shiva temple
Fruits, nutsEnhance your spiritual routine
5[Date]– Meditation and reflection
– Recite Shiva slokas
Coconut, sweetsDeepen your meditation practice
6[Date]– Perform Abhishekam (ritual bathing of Shiva Lingam)Rice, turmeric waterEngage in community prayers
7[Date]– Continue regular chanting
– Focus on self-discipline
Seasonal fruitsReflect on personal growth
8[Date]– Recite Rudrashtakam
– Light a diya (lamp)
Sandalwood pasteSeek forgiveness and offer gratitude
9[Date]– Observe silence for a period
– Offer milk to Shiva Lingam
White flowersEmphasize inner silence
10[Date]– Read stories from Shiva Purana
– Perform evening aarti
Saffron waterConnect with mythological stories
11[Date]– Practice yoga
– Maintain a day of simplicity and minimalism
Holy ash (vibhuti)Focus on physical and mental health
12[Date]– Continue fasting and prayers
– Offer prayers for world peace
Tulsi leavesExtend prayers to the larger community
13[Date]– Devote time to helping others
– Recite mantras
Banana leavesIncorporate acts of charity
14[Date]– Perform Rudra Abhishekam (elaborate bathing ceremony)Sugar, honeyCelebrate with more elaborate rituals
15[Date]– Focus on deep meditation
– Reflect on the journey
Ghee lampsPrepare for the conclusion of the vrat
16[Date]– Complete the vrat with final prayers
– Donate food and clothes
All previous offerings combinedCelebrate completion and break the fast

Practical Tips for Observing the Vrat

  1. Plan Meals Ahead:
  • Prepare simple, sattvic food like fruits, milk, and yogurt to be consumed after breaking the fast.
  1. Stay Hydrated:
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated, especially if observing a water-only fast.
  1. Maintain a Positive Attitude:
  • Keep a positive and devotional mindset throughout the day. Engage in activities that keep the mind focused on Lord Shiva.
  1. Seek Community Support:
  • Join local temple groups or online communities observing the 16 Somvar Vrat for support and shared devotion.


The 16 Somvar Vrat is a powerful and spiritually enriching practice that brings devotees closer to Lord Shiva. Through dedication and sincere observance, devotees can experience numerous benefits, both spiritual and material. By following the outlined steps and incorporating the suggested tips, one can successfully observe this auspicious vrat and seek the divine blessings of Lord Shiva.


  • Shiva Purana: An ancient text dedicated to Lord Shiva, detailing his stories, rituals, and significance.
  • Rudrashtakam: A devotional hymn in praise of Lord Shiva, composed by the saint Tulsidas.

By observing the 16 Somvar Vrat with devotion and sincerity, one can seek the divine grace of Lord Shiva and experience profound transformations in life.


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